When you receive your electricity bill, the amount you have consumed will generally be translated in kilowatt-hours. However, gas units on your meter may need to be converted into kilowatt hours. This can be quite simple to do if you know how to calculate it. If you do not, below is a guide of how to convert units into kilowatt hours:
(convert from imperial to metric)
(volume conversion factor)
(calorific value)
(kWh conversion factor)
* Only if your meter measures cubic feet rather than cubic metres. If you have a metric meter, you do not need to use the imperial to metric conversion factor (2.83). In this case, the rough estimate is to multiply the metric units by 11 instead of 31.3.
This is the approximately the same as:
gas units used x 31.6 = kilowatt hours used,
or, roughly, gas units x 100 divided by 3